Posts by Barry Spencer
Do the Quality Thing
Do the Quality Thing It was a great weekend! After a date night with my wife on Friday night, the good times kept rolling on Saturday morning with a day-date…
Read MoreListen
Try This Right Now It’s Election Day. Most likely you’ve already voted. My wife, Lori, and I voted over a week ago, and its been encouraging to see how many…
Read MoreGive and Get
What you give is what you receive in return. It is the parable of the seed and harvest in the Bible. If you plant wheat seeds, you will get a…
Read MoreHope
Needed now more than ever is hope. Hope in a better life, better community, better relationships, better caring for one another, and more. Hope. One industry that has more influence…
Read More“News”
The news today comes at us fast and furious. It is laced with emotionally charged words, regardless of which side of the argument you are on. But think for a…
Read MoreNew Normal
What could be beneficial now more than ever is assurance that the uncertainty of our present time is “normal.” The uncertainty of the election results, economic outcomes, and market volatility…
Read MoreThis Conversation Matters
The planned giving conversation matters for the donor. While annual giving meets immediate needs quicker than planned giving, don’t dismiss how planned giving can help. Too many dismiss planned giving…
Read MoreChoose Happy
It was Monday. Some dread it. Some love it. Some wait around to see what the day delivers before they decide what kind of day it will be. There are…
Read MoreThree Donor Questions
“But dad what do I say?” This is the question my kids ask me when faced with a challenge in their studies and they don’t even know what to ask…
Read MoreThe Business We Are In
The role of the development professional is to raise money for the organization in order for it to fulfill its mission. But the real business we’re in is story-telling. Donors…
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