Something You Can Do

Fear. Worry. Concern.

This seems to be dominating so many people’s lives these days.

While people want to share, give, and giveback, it is very possible that they are also being held back.

Maybe not entirely (and in many cases it may appear they are not being held back at all), but the capacity so many have to give and giveback is enormous. Yet so few understand and realize their potential in these ways.

When you steer people, and in particular your donors, away from the fearful messages that dominate the media and towards the good, you are helping them.

You’re helping them live their better life, and move toward their giving potential.

There is most likely more they can give, and more ways they can and want to giveback.

So, help donors and friends accomplish what is in their hearts to do by being positive and sharing stories of triumph and hope.

This is something we all can do to make the world we live in better and more desirable.

And charities and the professionals that serve the charity by engaging with donors relationally have a unique role for doing this.

Today will be better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be better than today – if you decide for it to be so.

Go out there and make a difference!



“Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance.”

– Samuel Johnson

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