“Useless” Stuff…

“Useless” Stuff… “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.” Whoever said that is someone who received someone else’s stuff and it was “just what he needed.” Is there stuff you…

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How to Strengthen Our Nation

How to Strengthen Our Nation The heroes in the midst of economic upheaval, a market downturn, election year uncertainty, or potential recession are the charities. Nonprofits serve when communities need…

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Keep the Fire Burning

Keep the Fire Burning How many times have you heard of someone who sells their business or retires from their lifetime work only to pass away shortly after. Why? Lack…

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Just a Little More

Just a Little More Many don’t give the question enough thought and credit… How valuable is generosity? Without it, greed and selfishness will reign in our heart. Generosity… also known…

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