Involuntary Philanthropists

By Barry Spencer | July 23, 2024 |

Involuntary Philanthropists Webster’s Dictionary defines a philanthropist as “a benevolent supporter of human beings and human welfare.” When I grew up and heard that big word, guess who I thought…

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Rewrite Your Own Obituary

By Barry Spencer | July 16, 2024 |

Rewrite Your Own Obituary A Swedish entrepreneur, who had made millions by inventing and manufacturing dynamite, hadn’t thought much about being remembered. Until… He read his own obituary! In 1888,…

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How Giving Won WWII

By Barry Spencer | July 2, 2024 |

How Giving Won WWII Philanthropy, even your philanthropy, no matter how big or small can make a difference in powerful ways. You should never underestimate the impact of your philanthropy,…

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Stress Relief

By Barry Spencer | June 25, 2024 |

Stress Relief Studies show that the number one concern and desire for men and women in the late stage of their career and those entering retirement is health. Health. Vitality.…

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The Antidote for Materialism

By Barry Spencer | June 18, 2024 |

Kids are notorious for saying to their parents, “I need…”. However, rarely is it a true “need.” For the most part we have everything we need and almost everything we…

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The Fear of Being Forgotten

By Barry Spencer | June 11, 2024 |

The fear of being forgotten. The fear of not making a difference. The fear of not having an impact on my family, friends, and others. These are common fears… I…

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Serving the Pioneers…

By Barry Spencer | June 4, 2024 |

Serving the Pioneers… The donors that excite and freak us out. They are the pioneers. They are the ones that like to go where no one else has gone. Solve…

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Break Them If You Can

By Barry Spencer | May 28, 2024 |

Break Them If You Can The story goes that the elder Rothschild called his family together and handed each of them a bundle of arrows. Their task: break the bundle…

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Save Your Community

By Barry Spencer | May 21, 2024 |

Save Your Community Jobs are always a popular subject… not just for the employed. Successful local businesses drive a vibrant local economy… which is essential for every community. People and…

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Families that Last

By Barry Spencer | May 14, 2024 |

Families that Last This is a “statistic” you don’t want to be. Unfortunately, for too many, they are included in this statistic – even my own family. The statistics overwhelmingly…

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Your Opportunity to Benefit

To learn more about how The Donor Motivation Program® may benefit you and your organization, request our complimentary guide, “The 37-Minute Planned Giving Landscape Conversation” with Barry Spencer by calling (678) 353-3355.