Charitable Giving
Give and Get
Give and Get What you give out is what you receive in return. It is the parable of the seed and harvest in the bible. If you plant seeds of…
Read MoreNews
“News” The news today comes at us fast and furious. It is laced with emotionally charged words regardless of which side of the argument you are on. But think for…
Read MoreThis Conversation Matters
This Conversation Matters The planned giving conversation matters for the donor. While annual giving meets immediate needs quicker than planned giving, don’t dismiss how planned giving can help. Too many…
Read MoreThree Donor Questions
Three Donor Questions “But dad, what do I say?” This is the question my kids ask me when faced with a challenge in their studies, and they don’t even know…
Read MoreThe Starting Point to Giving
The Starting Point to Giving Dr. Stephen R. Covey’s best selling book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, first published in 1989, has sold more than 25 million copies…
Read MoreWhen is the Best Time?
When is the Best Time? The African Proverb asks and answers this question: “When’s the best time to plant a tree?” “Twenty years ago.” “When’s the second best time?” “Today!”…
Read MoreCircle of Influence
Circle of Influence Donors have spent a lifetime developing professional relationships to enhance the success of their business or career. It’s their “circle of influence.” Now, in retirement, that network…
Read MoreGenerations of Philanthropy
Generations of Philanthropy Their jeans have always told the story of hard work and good value. In 1866, Levi Strauss, a German-Jewish immigrant, built his first store and the foundation…
Read MoreInvoluntary Philanthropists
Involuntary Philanthropists Webster’s Dictionary defines a philanthropist as “a benevolent supporter of human beings and human welfare.” When I grew up and heard that big word, guess who I thought…
Read MoreRewrite Your Own Obituary
Rewrite Your Own Obituary A Swedish entrepreneur, who had made millions by inventing and manufacturing dynamite, hadn’t thought much about being remembered. Until… He read his own obituary! In 1888,…
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