Biggest Opportunities are Now!

By admin | March 2, 2012 |

People wrongly mistake the negativity of the masses as reality. They listen to how bad things are and affirm the whole “doom and gloom” thinking. The self-help promoters’ say ignore…

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Your nest egg isn't necessarily safe from bill collectors

By admin | February 25, 2012 |

In today’s economy, many are struggling and have to field calls from bill collectors. Even if you have good credit, however, your nest egg isn’t necessarily safe. I thought that…

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Stephen King holds book signing in Alpharetta

By admin | February 22, 2012 |

Famous horror and suspense author Stephen King held a rare book signing in Alpharetta recently. The big event was covered in the local news with an article on the Appen…

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The best laid plans can go awry

By admin | February 20, 2012 |

As a specialist in family wealth challenges which encompasses estate planning, I am often surprised at the initial response of clients to my question as to whether they have an…

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Don't be "tricked" in your estate planning get a "treat" instead

By admin | December 1, 2011 |

As an estate planner in Alpharetta GA, I am often asked about do-it yourself estate planning “kits” or DIY estate planning web sites. My biggest fear when clients come to…

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Your Opportunity to Benefit

To learn more about how The Donor Motivation Program® may benefit you and your organization, request our complimentary guide, “The 37-Minute Planned Giving Landscape Conversation” with Barry Spencer by calling (678) 353-3355.