How Do You Think About It?

The moment comes to pick up the phone and make the call.

Sometimes you know the donor you’re calling and look forward to the conversation.

Sometimes you know the donor from afar without much of a relationship, so you get a little less excited about the call.

Sometimes you don’t know the donor at all, and at times dread making the call.

What is your mindset for these calls?

None of us like to to sold.

Most of the time we like to buy.

So when you call (or email or text), do you have the mindset to serve and help the donor get what they want, or is it about getting what you want from them?

A tremendous benefit we hear from development professionals is the opportunity the Donor Motivation Program provides them to reach out to a donor without having to sell a give.

The program provides the opportunity to offer something of benefit to the donor for the sake of the donor.

It comes from the mindset and positioning of “seek first to serve.”

Donors actually want to hear from you most of the time, and even more so if you’re looking for ways to serve them.

Keep making a difference by serving!



“Seek to first to serve and not be served.”

– Apostle Matthew


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