You may not feel wealthy but you are successful. From a money standpoint, once you have accumulated over one million dollars in net worth you are among the three out…
Read MoreJim is at a crossroad. After 40 years, his highly profitable business- his passion in life – is still going strong. But with no successor within the family to take…
Read MoreNoblesse Oblige This French phrase (pronounced noh-bles-oh-bleezh) incorporates the idea that privilege entails responsibility. It was used in reference to people of noble birth because they were the people at…
Read MoreIf you knew that you had one day left to live, who would you enjoy your final hours with and what would you be doing with them? What if the…
Read MoreAre you being asked the right questions about your money? If you don’t answer them, Uncle Sam will answer them for you. Asking the right questions will lead you down…
Read MoreYou have been made “for such a time as this” Have you ever wondered ‘why me of all people have I been give the position and resources to have the…
Read MoreLifestyle Freedom is about more than money… it’s doing what matters – to YOU! —————————————————————- What’s holding you back? Susan T. Buffett, the late wife of billionaire Warren Buffett, was…
Read MoreWhat do Apple, Amazon, Starbucks, and your Estate all have in common? Their success depends on carefully thought-out and executed strategies. No successful business would even consider operating without a…
Read MoreYour time is precious. It’s also your most limited resource, while your abundant resource is money. The question then becomes: What amount of money would you give for more time…
Read MoreYou’ve worked hard and now there are outstanding opportunities available to you because you have choices. Too many don’t take advantage of the choices they have. They squander away their…
Read MoreTop 10 Planned Giving Challenges
Your Opportunity to Benefit
To learn more about how The Donor Motivation Program® may benefit you and your organization, request our complimentary guide, “The 37-Minute Planned Giving Landscape Conversation” with Barry Spencer by calling (678) 353-3355.