Wait for It

Happy ThanksGIVING

What movie will you watch on Thanksgiving?

It’s A Wonderful Life? Love it!

George Bailey was a giver. As you know from the movie, George needed help understanding the impact he was having.

Once he was able to “see” the impact, he was reminded of the power of giving back.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to “see’ the value you are having… the value of giving back.

Start “seeing” now. Remind yourself of your impact. Give back more. Watch it change the world.

Through giving, you multiply your impact… far, far beyond your actual gift.

Like a huge stone thrown into the lake, your gift will circle out and impact more and more people!

Blessing to you and your family this Thanksgiving week!



“Memories are perhaps the best gifts of all.”

– Gloria Gaither

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