Let Go To Gain More Control

The lack of control is dominant in other countries.  For instance, arranged marriages still happen in other countries.  However, this seems absurd to Americans who find every way possible to get more control of our lives and futures.

We want more control of our wealth too. Once you’ve accumulated enough money to have some measure of wealth – however you would define that for yourself – having more control of it results from letting go… first, in the way you think about it.  Second, in the way do things, which leads to more control.

For instance, you must stop thinking of wealth preservation as a business decision.

When my daughter was two years old she dropped her golf ball into a vase and reached her hand in to retrieve it.  Successfully she gripped the ball with her hand, but when she tried to pull it out, she couldn’t.  Now her hand with her fingers wrapped around the ball were too big to get through the opening.

My wife had to teach her that the only way to get the golf ball and her hand free was to let go of the ball first.  Then she tipped the vase and the ball rolled out.  My daughter got what she wanted and learned a new way to make it happen.

Ironically, in order to gain control of your wealth and future, sometimes you first have to let go and find new perspectives.

Begin to think differently about your situation (which will lead to new actions), by asking these question: What is the one frustration or concern that is holding me back from feeling in more control of my wealth and future?  What would happen for me personally if I had a resolution that made sense to me?

Wealth is more than money. Don’t just plan for your future, live it right now.

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“Only you can control your future.”

– Dr. Seuss

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